

一般財団法人 日本海洋レジャー安全・振興協会 小型船舶操縦士試験機関 操縦免許証更新講習機関


About The English Examination

About The English Examination

1.Outline of the English Examination

Written exam is written in English. Explanation for exam, question and answer and instructions are provided in English or Japanese. The language used in the exam is different for each exam. For additional information of the English exam, please contact our regional office. The content of the Physical Check, Written Examination, Practical Examination are identical with Japanese Examination.


2.Timeline for the English Examination

If you can understand normal communication and practical exam in Japanese, it is possible to take written exams (1st & 2nd class or PWC) in English at any time in the national exam conducted by JMRA by prior application.

If you want to take all examinations conducted in English, please contact to our regional office.


3.Precautions to observe when applying for Examination

The following documents are required for an examination.

  • 1) Application form of Boat's Operator Examination (available from our regional office.)
  • 2) Copy of residence certificate, copy of passport, or some other acceptable form of identifier.
  • 3) Photograph: 4.5 cm×3.5 cm (taken within six months, hatless, front-view, from the waist up, with name and date of birth on the back).
  • 4) Optional document:
  • ・Certificate of preliminary physical examination attested by a Japanese doctor,excluding dentists. (pasted a photograph which is same as the above-mentioned)
  • ・Copy of other Permit of Boat's Operator, if you hold.

For additional information of the admission form, please contact to our regional office.

After passing exam, you need apply for license. The required documents are different previously described.


4.The English version of "leaflet"


5.Reference book

JMRA's regional office sells textbook of Personal Water Craft.

6.Examination of the other language

We also hold the Portuguese exam. Written exam of the Portuguese exam is written in Portuguese language. Explanation for exam, question and answer and instructions is provided in Japanese. For more information of such as the date of the Portuguese exam, please contact our regional office.

  • 特定操縦免許移行講習
  • 全国のボートスクール
  • 全国の申請代行業者
  • 遊漁船業務主任者講習
  • 船の文化検定 ふね検
  • 船の文化検定 ふね検オンライン
  • 新型コロナウイルス関連
  • 試験・講習等の変更・中止について
  • 試験の申込方法
  • 免許の更新・失効申込方法
  • 身体適性相談コーナー
  • 各種販売
  • 登録教習所へのお知らせ
  • 学科試験問題の著作権について
  • 採用情報
  • 日本海洋レジャー安全・振興協会の事業紹介
  • BAN
  • 海の駅

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